IDHealth in the News

2 December 2024:
长期照顾残障亲人 看护者生活素质下降

29 October 2024
An unbreakable bond: Love always wins for Jamilah and her family; #Tote BoardStories

September 2024:
IDHealth: Enhancing Communication for adults with intellectual difficulties, by Foo Yoke Lim; ISAAC (International Community for Augmentative and Alternative Communication) Singapore Connect, pg. 18-22.

15 August 2024:
女医生创立专属诊所 为成年智障病患解忧。作者:邝瑜惠;联合早报。

25 June 2024: 本地诊所为智障者看诊 兼顾家属身心;晨光第一线,8world.

25 September 2023: Growing number of those with both Down syndrome and dementia, who struggle with diagnosis and care, by Goh Yan Han; The Straits Times.

27 June 2023: Clinic set up for adults with intellectual disability and their caregivers, by Goh Yan Han; The Straits Times.

4 Oct 2022: Mentions by Ms. Denise Phua, Member of Parliament during the Parliamentary sitting. Click below to watch from 3:08.

2 Mar 2022: Mentions by Ms. Rahayu Mahzam, Senior Parliamentary Secretary for the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Law in Budget Debate 2022. Click below to watch from 1:10 to 4:08.
Do your little bit of good where you are; it is those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.
Desmond Tutu