Many hands make happy hearts!
A vibrant community is one where people share gifts with one another so that everyone flourishes! Volunteering with IDHealth is about building such a community. Services – no matter how many or how good – will not change the lives of people with intellectual disability. People will. It is a community of people who come around and alongside people with intellectual disability who will make a difference in their lives. We believe that if you choose be one of those people, that your life will be enriched too!
Contact us to find out how you could share your time, talents, skills and energies to join us in improving the health and lives of people with intellectual disability. Whether you are able to commit regularly for an extended period of time, or help out on an ad-hoc basis, we would love to speak with you, get to know you and explore how we could do something good together!
If you’re ready to sign up as our volunteer, click here to fill in a registration form and our volunteer executive will contact you.

Ways to get involved
Below are some examples of ways that you could get involved. The lists are not exhaustive. Please contact us to explore something that will fit you!
- Assist with patient activities
- Befriending
- Supporting caregivers
- Escort / transport to appointments
- Social media engagement
- Clinical service
- Research
- Training
- Admin support
Hear from our volunteers...

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."
Helen Keller