Our Services


The IDHealth clinic is the hub from which our team operates. Assessments by the IDHealth team, blood tests, medication prescription and counselling are all done here. The clinic is a warm and welcoming space where patients and caregivers can feel at ease and assured that they are receiving professional health service by people who really care. The cost of each doctor’s consultation is highly subsidised. 


Doctor’s consultations are by appointment only. If you would like to make an appointment, please call or email us.   

Home Visits

Following an initial in-clinic assessment, the IDHealth team members will make home visits to address issues of concern when deemed necessary or more effective. 


IDHealth is an island-wide service so nobody is too far to reach. 

Dr. Connect

IDHealth has built a network of primary care partners – GPs and polyclinic doctors – who, with the assurance of our support, are willing to receive referrals from us.  Following triage by phone call, we can link up patients with ID and their caregivers to one of our partners in situations where health needs are less complex.  Health screening, management of acute conditions like the flu and management of common chronic conditions like diabetes would be some situations in which a Dr. Connect referral would be appropriate. 


If you would like to find out more, feel free to contact us

Professional Support

The needs of people with intellectual disability in Singapore are too many and diverse for one organisation to address. We are cognisant that we cannot achieve the objective of positive health and well-being for people with intellectual disability on our own. Thus, we are committed to building capacity among other health and social service providers through resourcing, tailored training and timely support.  If you are a service provider, please feel free to contact us for help.


With many hearts and hands committed to the task of caring for one another, our community is strengthened, and the needs of everyone, including people with intellectual disability can be met. 

In Giving, We Receive

From the outside looking into the work that the IDHealth team does, one might see that we are spending a large amount of time, energy and money to serve people with intellectual disability.  We are the giver, and they are the receiver.  It may surprise you that in fact, more often than not, as we give of ourselves to serving our patients, we also receive from them. The love, trust and joy we receive from entering into relationship with our patients and their families makes every effort worth more than gold!